TBANJ Anti-Slaughter Code of Ethics
As a requirement for TBANJ membership and the receipt of association privileges or benefits, every applicant must sign a pledge stating that they will not knowingly cause a Thoroughbred horse to be slaughtered for commercial purposes. If any person knowingly violates this rule, or without conducting proper due diligence, they will be deemed to have broken their pledge and will face consequences from the TBANJ.
No person, corporation, association, or other entity (hereinafter referred to as "person") who has promised to the Thoroughbred Breeders' Association of New Jersey (TBANJ) not to knowingly cause a thoroughbred horse to be slaughtered for commercial purposes is allowed to import, export, sell, offer to sell or barter, transfer, possess, transport, deliver, or receive any Thoroughbred with the intent, for commercial purposes, of slaughtering or having another person so slaughter said horse, and such person knew, or reasonably should have known through reasonable diligence, that the other person intended to so slaughter said horse.
First Violation
In case of a first violation, the offender will be required to pay a fine of two thousand dollars ($2,000) within 30 days to either Second Call Thoroughbred Adoption and Placement, or to the Thoroughbred Aftercare Fund selected by the TBANJ. The offender will also be prohibited from receiving any past, present, or future New Jersey-bred incentive award payments until the fine is paid in full. Failure to pay the fine in full within the stipulated time will result in a one-year prohibition from registering any horse as a New Jersey-bred or renewing TBANJ membership. This prohibition will remain in effect until the fine is paid in full.
Single incidents involving multiple horses shall be considered separate violations for purposes of determining sanctions.
Second Violation
In case of a second violation, the offender will be required to pay a fine of five thousand dollars ($5,000) within 30 days to either Second Call Thoroughbred Adoption and Placement, or to the Thoroughbred Aftercare Fund selected by the TBANJ. The offender will also be prohibited from receiving any past, present, or future New Jersey-bred incentive award payments until the fine is paid in full. Additionally, the violator's TBANJ membership and/or registration privileges will be revoked for a minimum of three (3) years. After this period, the violator may be considered for readmission to membership or registration privileges only if approved by the TBANJ Board of Trustees. It is important to note that all fines must be paid in full before the violator can apply for readmission.
Single incidents involving multiple horses shall be considered separate violations for purposes of determining sanctions.
Any charges against a person must be submitted in writing and sent to the TBANJ at the address listed for the Association on www.njbreds.com. The Executive Director of the TBANJ will then forward same to both the Board and the accused. The accused will be given adequate time, but at most 45 days, to have a hearing by the Board of Trustees. A quorum of the Board members present at the hearing, as defined in Section 4.6 of the TBANJ Bylaws, will be required to impose any sanctions.